Tansu Daylan
Preservation and transfer of knowledge across generations is as important as the generation of knowledge and is the most important investment humanity can make. Teaching is at the core of this essential, millennia-old mission. The exercise of teaching also allows scholars to rethink ideas and concepts alongside younger minds with weaker priors, which I personally think is the most exciting aspect of academia.
In Fall 2023, I taught Planets and Life in the Universe, Physics 3330/5330, to a joint audience of upper-level undergraduates and graduate students at Washington University. I was using my teaching release in Spring 2024.
In Fall 2024, I will be teaching Gateway Expeditions into Exoplanets (Physics 1210), a new, non-calculus introduction to exoplanets that will function as the first semester of a first-year Ampersand Program. In Spring 2025, I will teach another new course, Astrostatistics (Physics 4680/5680), that will provide an advanced overview of statistical methods used to critically analyze and forward model datasets in astronomy.
Past Teaching Experience
In the past, I have been the teaching fellow and/or guest lecturer for the following:
Summer school "Quantum to Cosmos", TÜBÄ°TAK/TBAE, Summer 2019
12S680, Artificial Intelligence for TESS Applications, MIT, Spring 2019
ASTRON130, Cosmology, Harvard, Spring 2018
PHYS212, Graduate Cosmology, Harvard, Fall 2016
SPU019, The Energetic Universe, Harvard, Spring 2014
PHYS207, Concepts of Modern Physics, METU, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013